Sorry for the delay. I ended up working some more on my UI system to make it into an actual workable package. Respawning works great now, what Im working on now...
Most of this week (aside from work) was spent trying to figure out a bug with the position tracking. When you rotated more than about 180deg, the ship would fli...
Just wanted to give a heads up on the progress being made. It was a busy break, so not as much has been done as Ive wanted to, but things are slowly progressing...
The Prototype is now out! Let me know what you think. Work will now begin on adding network capability, but there will be a second prototype coming around New Y...
Okay so some more work has been done. Heres a rundown: Switched to HD Render Pipeline All system objects show in target list now, not just hostiles. hostile tar...
12-1-19: Drag&Drop from Ship equipment slot to cargo and back again works. Albeit buggy. You can buy new items at Station and equip them. *Current Goals for the...